Why subscribe?

Your Kid’s Next Read is a newsletter, a podcast and a community all working for one purpose – to find the perfect ‘next book’ for children of all ages and reading abilities.

Your Kid’s Next Read is brought to you by author and teacher-librarian Megan Daley, author Allison Tait and author Allison Rushby.

At a time when books have a lot of competition for young people’s attentions, we aim to help parents, caregivers, educators, teacher-librarians, and other interested parties find the right book at the right time to keep the young readers in their lives on the reading path.

We believe it takes a village to grow a reader, and we’d love you to join ours!

Read the full YKNR origin story here

Where to begin

Our monthly newsletter is always free to read. It’s a round-up of the best of all that Your Kid’s Next Read has to offer. You’ll find updates and insights from Team YKNR, tips and advice, book reviews from Megan Daley, some of our favourite threads from the Facebook community, tips for young writers, and, of course, our Big Bookmail Giveaway.

All subscribers are automatically entered into the random draw to win our Bookmail pack each month.

Recent newsletters include:

Free subscribers will always be able to access these newsletters. Our podcast and community are also free.

We appreciate every one of you and doubly appreciate every like, comment or share.

Why we offer paid subscriptions

For $5 / month, or $50 / year, you have full access to our subscriber-only posts and resources, our full archive, and the freedom to post comments and join the community.

Paid subscribers also have our permission to reproduce, with credit, our content for school or classroom purposes (eg: newsletter or handout).

Our paid content brings together our expert knowledge and advice in concise formats not available anywhere else, and a paid subscription is a practical way to support our efforts to promote children’s literacy and literature.

Founding members ($100) also receive a YKNR book bag – teacher-librarian approved!

What you can expect as a paid subscriber

At least one bonus post emailed each month, plus access to the full archive.

These may include extra book reviews from Megan, behind-the-scenes updates from the team, curated book lists, writing tips for kids, or highly practical resources for home, classroom or library use. We’ll be looking at adding exclusive chats down the track as we navigate our way through Substack, but we’ll take feedback from you, our community.

Some recent examples:

YKNR 10-day Creativity Challenge

Why children should read scary books

How do readers grow into writers?

How to cull your home library collection

The Author/Illustrator Visit Checklist

Sign up for a free seven-day trial to sample what’s on offer!

Thanks for reading this far! We think you’d enjoy a subscription – free or paid – if you tick any of the following boxes:



•children’s author




•you work in publishing

•you’d love to write for kids one day

•you want to encourage literacy in the young people in your life

•you want to encourage a love of literature in the young people in your life

•you want to know more about Australian children’s books

But most of all, you’d love to be part of a community of like-minded people!

Subscribe to Your Kid's Next Read

Books and reading for kids of all ages.


Author: THE MAPMAKER CHRONICLES + THE ATEBAN CIPHER + MAVEN & REEVE MYSTERIES + THE FIRST SUMMER OF CALLIE McGEE | Co-host Your Kid’s Next Read podcast | Secret club: Write With Allison Tait